Spring Clean Your Life with Herbs and Spices: 5 Fresh Ideas
Spring is here - FINALLY! This is the perfect time of year for a fresh start. Of course, I'm referring to adding more fresh herbs and spices to
your life.
First, if you need a plant to brighten your home and liven your spirits, try lavender. Lavender is a delicately lovely and fragrant herb that is readily available at this time of year. Keep it near a window for full sun. It is known for its soothing effects
and can help reduce stress and encourage relaxation.
Keep lavender in places where you want to add more calm to your life. Also, lavender
is great in a spray form and can be made by adding lavender oil to water in a spray bottle. Use this on your pillows for a pleasant and gentle way to help you get to sleep faster.
Second, bring butterflies to your garden with herbs.
Did you know that Dill and Parsley (and many other herbs) attract butterflies?
Consider adding these herbs to your outdoor garden for the added joy of abundant butterflies. Keep your herb garden close to the entry to your kitchen for easy access and to bring butterflies closer to you.
Third, create herbal bouquets for gifts or to decorate your home. Keep in mind the symbolic meaning for various
herbs. For example, mint is said to symbolize cheerfulness and may be perfect in an herbal bouquet. Also, consider rosemary
for remembrance and lavender for luck.
Create your own and bring a positive message with a beautiful spring bouquet.
Fourth, if you tend to get headaches from allergies in the spring,
try massaging peppermint oil into your temples. If
you purchase aroma therapy creams for this purpose, look for the peppermint oil ingredient.
Finally, as you finish up your spring cleaning and start to put away your winter clothes,
add the flowers and
stems from fresh lavender to small porous bags to hang in your closet and keep away moths.
Enjoy the season by remembering to add more herbs and spices to your life. Herbs and spices are not just for cooking.
Happy Spring!

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